
Brand new to python and loving it, and I imagine this might be a simple one.
I am currently inserting points into SQL Server 2008 via a Python script with the help of pymssql.

var1 = "hi"
lat = "55.92"
lon = "-3.29"

cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table (field1, x, y) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)", 
(var1 , lat, lon))

This all works fine. I need to also insert those coordinates into a GEOGRAPHY type field (called geog).

geog_type = "geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(%s %s)',4326))" % (lat, lon)

cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table (field1, x, y, geog) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)", 
(var1 , lat, lon, geog_type))

This throws the following exception:

The label geography::STGeomFro in the input well-known text (WKT) is not valid. Valid labels are POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, MULTIPOINT, MULTILINESTRING, MULTIPOLYGON, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, CIRCULARSTRING, COMPOUNDCURVE, CURVEPOLYGON and FULLGLOBE (geography Data Type only).

From SSMS I can run an insert statement on the table to insert a point fine.

USE [nosde]
INSERT INTO tweets (geog) 
        'POINT(55.9271035250276 -3.29431266523898)',4326))

Let me know in the comments if you need more details.

Some of my workings on pastebin.

Was it helpful?


Several issues - firstly, you're supplying the coordinates in the wrong order - the STPointFromText() method expects longitude first, then latitude.

Secondly, it may be easier to use the Point() method rather than the STPointFromText() method, which doesn't require any string manipulation - just supply the two numeric coordinate parameters directly.

But, from the error message, it appears that the value you're sending is attempting to be parsed as a WKT string. If this is the case, you don't want the extra geography::STGeomFromText and the SRID at the end anyway - these are assumed. So try just supplying:

geog_type = "'POINT(%s %s)'" % (lon, lat)

cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table (field1, x, y, geog) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)", 
(var1 , lat, lon, geog_type))

I'm not sure if you need the extra single quotes in the first line or not, but don't have a system to test on at the moment.

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