
Do I have to put 2 icon images in my build for iPad? and what are the names of those 2 build, one is Icon.png and what is the other one?

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For iPhone apps you need to provide a 57x57 Icon.png and may optionally provide a 29x29 Icon-Small.png.

To submit to AppStore you need a 512x512 icon too.

There's no special requirement for iPad. A 57x57 Icon.png is sufficient. Although you can add a larger 72x72 icon and add it into the CFBundleIconFiles key. (See How do I specify both icons for a universal iPhone/iPad app?.)


The default name for an iPad icon is Icon-72.png. You do not currently need two icons for iPad submissions, though there are in fact a dozen other icon sizes that a “complete” app should contain.

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