
In RingoJS there's a function called read which allows you to read an entire stream until the end is reached. This is useful when you're making a command line application. For example you may write a tac program as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env ringo

var string =; // read the entire input stream
var lines = string.split("\n");   // split the lines

lines.reverse();                  // reverse the lines

var reversed = lines.join("\n");  // join the reversed lines
system.stdout.write(reversed);    // write the reversed lines

This allows you to fire up a shell and run the tac command. Then you type in as many lines as you wish to and after you're done you can press Ctrl+D (or Ctrl+Z on Windows) to signal the end of transmission.

I want to do the same thing in node.js but I can't find any function which would do so. I thought of using the readSync function from the fs library to simulate as follows, but to no avail:

fs.readSync(0, buffer, 0, buffer.length, null);

The file descriptor for stdin (the first argument) is 0. So it should read the data from the keyboard. Instead it gives me the following error:

Error: ESPIPE, invalid seek
    at Object.fs.readSync (fs.js:381:19)
    at repl:1:4
    at REPLServer.self.eval (repl.js:109:21)
    at rli.on.self.bufferedCmd (repl.js:258:20)
    at REPLServer.self.eval (repl.js:116:5)
    at Interface.<anonymous> (repl.js:248:12)
    at Interface.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
    at Interface._onLine (readline.js:200:10)
    at Interface._line (readline.js:518:8)
    at Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:736:14)

How would you synchronously collect all the data in an input text stream and return it as a string in node.js? A code example would be very helpful.

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Solution 2

The key is to use these two Stream events:

Event: 'data'
Event: 'end'

For stream.on('data', ...) you should collect your data data into either a Buffer (if it is binary) or into a string.

For on('end', ...) you should call a callback with you completed buffer, or if you can inline it and use return using a Promises library.


As node.js is event and stream oriented there is no API to wait until end of stdin and buffer result, but it's easy to do manually

var content = '';
process.stdin.on('data', function(buf) { content += buf.toString(); });
process.stdin.on('end', function() {
    // your code here

In most cases it's better not to buffer data and process incoming chunks as they arrive (using chain of already available stream parsers like xml or zlib or your own FSM parser)

Let me illustrate StreetStrider's answer.

Here is how to do it with concat-stream

var concat = require('concat-stream');

    // buf is a Node Buffer instance which contains the entire data in stream
    // if your stream sends textual data, use buf.toString() to get entire stream as string
    var streamContent = buf.toString();

// error handling is still on stream

Please note that process.stdin is a stream.

There is a module for that particular task, called concat-stream.

If you are in async context and have a recent version of Node.js, here is a quick suggestion:

const chunks = []
for await (let chunk of readable) {

On Windows, I had some problems with the other solutions posted here - the program would run indefinitely when there's no input.

Here is a TypeScript implementation for modern NodeJS, using async generators and for await - quite a bit simpler and more robust than using the old callback based APIs, and this worked on Windows:

import process from "process";

 * Read everything from standard input and return a string.
 * (If there is no data available, the Promise is rejected.)
export async function readInput(): Promise<string> {  
  const { stdin } = process;

  const chunks: Uint8Array[] = [];

  if (stdin.isTTY) {
    throw new Error("No input available");

  for await (const chunk of stdin) {

  return Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8');


(async () => {
  const input = await readInput();


(consider adding a try/catch, if you want to handle the Promise rejection and display a more user-friendly error-message when there's no input.)

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