
Do these two keywords have exactly the same effect, or is there something I should be aware of?

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According to this site:, C# lock and Java synchronized code blocks are "semantically identical", while for methods, Java uses synchronized while C# uses an attribute: [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)].


One interesting difference not covered in the link posted by Keeg: as far as I'm aware, there's no equivalent method calls in Java for .NET's Monitor.Enter and Monitor.Exit, which the C# lock statement boils down to. That means you can't do the equivalent of Monitor.TryEnter either - although of course the java.util.concurrent.locks package (as of 1.5) has a variety of locks which have more features available.

I java you don't have to worry about locking public types that you own.

In .NET, you have to

Updated: this is for types that you own. Locking on public types that you don't own is bad in any language :)

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