
I would really like to annotate a method with a reference to a single property in a property file for injection.

private String myServiceUrl;

Of course, this syntax does not work ;) Thats why I'm asking here.

I am aware that I can inject the full properties file, but that just seems excessive, I dont want the property file - I want the configured value.

Edit: I can only see PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer examples where XML is used to wire the property to the given field. I still cannot figure out how this can be achieved with an annotation ?

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There's a thread about this on the Spring forum. The short answer is that there's really no way to inject a single property using annotations.

I've heard that the support for using annotations will be improved in Spring 3.0, so it's likely this will be addressed soon.


I know it has been a while since the original post but I have managed to stumble across a solution to this for spring 2.5.x

You can create instances of "String" beans in the spring xml configuration which can then be injected into the Annotated components

public class SomeCompent{
  private String aProperty;


<beans ....>
   <context:component-scan base-package="..."/>

  <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
  <bean id="someStringId" class="java.lang.String" factory-method="valueOf">
    <constructor-arg value="${place-holder}"/>

I've created a project which addresses this problem for Spring 2.5.*:

For Spring 3 you can use the @Value("${propery.key}") annotation.

you can do this if you use XML configuration. Just configure PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and specify property value in configuration

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="locations">
<bean ...>
  <property name="myServiceUrl" value="${my.service.url}"/>

You could try injecting value of property "my.service.url" to a filed in your bean.

Take a look at:


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