
I have downloaded a library off of github and have noticed that in the main singleton of the library there is a possible leak in this bit of code:

+(DDGameKitHelper*) sharedGameKitHelper
        if (instanceOfGameKitHelper == nil)
            [[DDGameKitHelper alloc] init];

        return instanceOfGameKitHelper;

    return nil;

Now obviously there is no release or autorelease anywhere so I must do it but how and in what way properly? I have looked at various Singleton design patterns on the Internet and they just assign, in this case, instanceOfGameKitHelper to the alloc and init line.

Anyway how would I properly fix this?


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A more modern way to setup singletons is like this:

+ (DDGameKitHelper *)sharedGameKitHelper {
    static DDGameKitHelper *instance = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t predicate;

    dispatch_once(&predicate, ^{ instance = [self new]; });

    return instance;


A singleton, by definition, is created once and never released. Think of it sort of like a global variable.

Take a look at this document from Apple: Cocoa Core Competencies - Singleton for more details.

Or for their example (at the bottom of the page):

I usually use @rmaddy's method though. Of course, even that way, you are still assigning the variable and never releasing it since it is still a singleton.

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