
I have page with fixed 1000px. I want to set shadow on left and right sides of main page. I can't use static .png with y-repeat, because my background is not a fixed color, it is image. So I can't use image. Any jQuery plugin which can do shadow? Or other solutions, not only jQuery plugins...

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You actually can use a transparent .png if you use a png-8 rather than a png-32.

Note: It will not give you alpha transparency (you'll have a thin line of your shadow color rather than a gradient) but it lets you approximate the look of your site in IE6 while requiring no hacks and no IE specific content.


If you want a Jquery plugin to do shadows without pngs, then Jquery's Drop Shadow plugin is probably what you are looking for.


If you create a pair of screened divs you could position them and set the z-index above the background, then apply an image to that.

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