
I have created a neural network for detection spam. It involves the following steps;

1.Formation of tf-idf matrix of terms and mails.
2.Reduction of matrix using PCA.
3.Feeding the 20 most important terms according to eigen values to neural network as features.

I'm training it for 1-Spam and 0-Not spam.

EDITS: I decided to train it by taking a batch size of 7 mails because it was prone to showing Out of memory error while forming the matrix. I used the standard enron dataset of ham and spam . I used to train neural network via back-propagation -1 input - 1 hidden - 1 output layer with 20 neurons in first layer and 6 hidden layer neurons.

So I started training with my original spam mails in my gmail giving very bad results before switching it to enron dataset. Satisfactory outputs were obtained after training quite a lot.

6 out of 14 mails were being detected spam when i tested.

I used alternative training like batch 1 of spam mails and batch 2 for ham mail and so on such that the network is trained for 1 output for spam and 0 for ham .

But now after too much training almost 400-500 mails i guess, it if giving bad results again . I reduced learning rate but no help. What's going wrong?

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To summarize my comments into an answer... If you're net is producing results that you would expect and then after additional training the output is less accurate, then there is a good chance it is overtrained.

This is especially prone to happen if your data set is small or doesn't vary enough. Finding the optimal number of epochs is mostly trial-and-error.

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