
Even though I've been a developer for awhile I've been lucky enough to have avoided doing much work with XML. So now I've got a project where I've got to interact with some web services, and would like to use some kind of Object-to-XML Mapping solution.

The only one I'm aware of is JAXB. Is that the best to go with? Are there any other recommendations?

One catch - I'm stuck using Java 1.4, so I can't do anything with annotations.

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If you're calling a web-service with a WSDL, JAXB is absolutely the best option. Take a look at wsimport, and you're be up and running in 10 minutes.

I don't think JAXB 2.0 will be possible on Java 1.4. You may need to use Axis instead:

java -cp axis-1.4.jar;commons-logging-1.1.jar;commons-discovery-0.2.jar;jaxrpc-1.1.jar;saaj-1.1.jar;wsdl4j-1.4.jar;activation-1.1.jar;mail-1.4.jar org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java http://someurl?WSDL

This will generate similar stubs to JAXB.

If you don't have a WSDL or XSD, you can always generate one.


JAXB is the best choice:

EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy) is the best implementation:

MOXy is a JAXB implementation with Extensions

MOXy has an external configuration file (based on JAXB annotations with extensions):

Has XPath based mapping, for deep mapping:

Designed to handle ORM mapped objects, including support for bidirectional relationships:

There's XStream. I seem to remember I used that ages ago, and it was fine. Can't say I have enough experience to recommend it for or against, but it's worth checking out just as an alternative.

JIBX - known for performance

JAXB2 - Ease of use

Castor - Ease of use

others - XMLBean, Xstream

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