
Suppose I have a function in C++ in which I call it using a pointer to its memory address, with typedef. Now, how can I do the same thing in Delphi?

For example:

typedef void (*function_t)(char *format, ...);
function_t Function;
Function = (function_t)0x00477123;

And then, I can call it with: Function("string", etc);.

Is there any way to do this without using Assembly instructions, in Delphi?

Note that it is a variadic parameters function.

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An idiomatic translation for this:

typedef void (*function_t)(char *format, ...);
function_t Function;
Function = (function_t)0x00477123;

Is this:

  TFunction = procedure(Format: PAnsiChar) cdecl varargs;
  Function: TFunction;
// ...
  Function := TFunction($00477123);

The 'cdecl varargs' is required to get the C calling convention (where the caller pops the stack) and the variadic argument support (which is only supported with the C calling convention). Varargs is only supported as a means for calling C; there is no built-in support in Delphi for implementing variadic parameter lists in the C style. Instead, there is a different mechanism, used by the Format procedure and friends:

function Format(const Fmt: string; const Args: array of const): string;

But you can find out more about that elsewhere.


program Project1;

  TFoo = procedure(S: String);

  F: TFoo;
  F := TFoo($00477123);

Of course, if you just run the above you'll get a runtime error 216 at address $00477123.

Yes, Delphi supports function pointers. Declare it like this:

type MyProcType = procedure(value: string);

Then declare a variable of type MyProcType and assign the address of your procedure to it, and you can call it the same way you would in C.

If you want a pointer to a method of an object instead of a standalone procedure or function, add "of object" to the end of the function pointer declaration.

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