
I'm working with Microchip's free TCP/IP (version 4.55) stack on an 8-bit micro-controller.

I'm trying to reset the stack without doing a full board reset with asm("RESET").

Any ideas on how to restart this Stack.


I reset the stack with the following steps

  1. Toggle the reset pin to on the Microchip Ethernet chip
  2. Call StackInit();
  3. Manually reset the UDP announce state machine

This seems to recover from the fatal SPI errors I encountered.

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Call StackInit(). That function reinitializes all the sub-modules (TCP, UDP, SMTP, etc.). It will also clobber all of the TCP and UDP socket you have open, so you will have to re-open the sockets you want to use.

As a side note: I followed the thread on the Microchip forum. I was also getting strange resets in my TCP stack. It ended up being a stack overflow. Put some variables at the top of your stack.

#pragma udata stackoverflow = 0xE00
UInt32 StackUpperBound[8];
#pragma udata

Initialize these variables at the beginning of main() and put a breakpoint at the beginning. See if these variables are being overwritten.


I am totally not familiar with the Microchip stack, but unless the stack is designed to be restarted, I doubt you will be successful.

If all the buffers and structures are statically allocated, then in theory, you could call the initialization routines to "restart" the stack (assuming it does a re-initialization of the structures).

If it uses dynamic buffers (malloc), then I believe you would be out of luck.

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