
On a fresh install of Eclipse:

  • Eclipse - 3.52 Galileo-SR2-win32
  • Java Version - JRE 6 (update 18)
  • Host OS - Windows 7 (32-bit)

...if I install both of the following plug-ins (in any order), they both stop working.

  • Android Developer Tools plug-in - ADT 0.9.5 (recommended for Eclipse 3.5x)
  • Subclipse plug-in - 1.6.x (recommended for Eclipse 3.5x)

The error log shows nothing, but all traces of ADT and Subclipse are gone from the menus, the toolbar, the Preferences dialog, etc.

I've progressively backtracked until I was installing completely from scratch (including deleting my workspace and .eclipse folder). I even tried increasing initial and maximum Java heap size for Eclipse. No joy.

Googling for this issue results in a number of posts from people having similar or identical problems. Unfortunately, no one seems to have an answer.

Has anyone solved this?

Was it helpful?


You might want to try a platform like yoxos which gives you all your eclipse plugins from one central repository. Thereby everything fits together.

Btw... i use subversive in eclipse.


I know it is not the latest and greatest but have you tried to get these plugins working using Eclipse Ganymede?

I use Ganymede (3.4.2) with ADT (0.9.5) and Subclipse (1.6.5) without any issues on win7 pro 64bit.

I'm using both side by side no issues:

subclipse 1.6 android developer plugin 0.9.9 eclipse 3.6.1

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