
I have used R for mining the tweets and I got the most frequent words used in the tweets. However the most frequent words are like this:

 [1] "cant"     "dont"     "girl"     "gonna"    "lol"      "love"    
 [7] "que"      "thats"    "watching" "wish"     "youre"  

I am looking for trends and names and events in the texts. I am wondering if there is a way to remove this text message style words (such as gonna,wanna, ...) from the corpus? Is there any stopwords for them? any help would be appreciated.

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The text mining package maintains it's own list of stopwords and provides useful tools for managing and summarizing this type of text.

Let's say your tweets are stored in a vector.

words <- vector_of_strings
corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(words))
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removePunctuation)
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, function(x) tolower(x))
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, function(x) removeWords(x, 

You can use the last line with your own list of stopwords():

stoppers <- c(stopwords(), "gonna", "wanna", "lol", ... ) 

Unfortunately, you'll have to generate your own list of "text messaging" or "internet messaging" stopwords.

But, you could cheat a bit, by borrowing from NetLingo ( )

theurl <- ""
h <- htmlParse(theurl)
h <- getNodeSet(h,"//ul/li/span//a")
stoppers <- sapply(h,xmlValue)
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