
I have two vectors that represents a function f(x), and another vector f(ax+b) i.e. a scaled and shifted version of f(x). I would like to find the best scale and shift factors.

*best - by means of least squares error , maximum likelihood, etc.

any ideas?

for example:

f1 = [0;0.450541598502498;0.0838213779969326;0.228976968716819;0.91333736150167;0.152378018969223;0.825816977489547;0.538342435260057;0.996134716626885;0.0781755287531837;0.442678269775446;0];
f2 = [-0.029171964726699;-0.0278570165494982;0.0331454732535324;0.187656956432487;0.358856370923984;0.449974662483267;0.391341738643094;0.244800719791534;0.111797007617227;0.0721767235173722;0.0854437239807415;0.143888234591602;0.251750993723227;0.478953530572365;0.748209818420035;0.908044924557262;0.811960826711455;0.512568916956487;0.22669198638799;0.168136111568694;0.365578085161896;0.644996661336714;0.823562159983554;0.792812945867018;0.656803251999341;0.545799498053254;0.587013303815021;0.777464637372241;0.962722388208354;0.980537136457874;0.734416947254272;0.375435649393553;0.106489547770962;0.0892376361668696;0.242467741982851;0.40610516900965;0.427497319032133;0.301874099075184;0.128396341665384;0.00246347624097456;-0.0322120242872125]

simulated example: scale is  2+7/5, shift  42/55, resample bicubic

*note that f(x) may be irreversible...



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Solution 2

Here's a simple, effective, but perhaps somewhat naive approach.

First make sure you make a generic interpolator through both functions. That way you can evaluate both functions in between the given data points. I used a cubic-splines interpolator, since that seems general enough for the type of smooth functions you provided (and does not require additional toolboxes).

Then you evaluate the source function ("original") at a large number of points. Use this number also as a parameter in an inline function, that takes as input X, where

X = [a b] 

(as in ax+b). For any input X, this inline function will compute

  1. the function values of the target function at the same x-locations, but then scaled and offset by a and b, respectively.

  2. The sum of the squared-differences between the resulting function values, and the ones of the source function you computed earlier.

Use this inline function in fminsearch with some initial estimate (one that you have obtained visually or by via automatic means). For the example you provided, I used a few random ones, which all converged to near-optimal fits.

All of the above in code:

function s = findScaleOffset

    %% initialize

    f2 = [0;0.450541598502498;0.0838213779969326;0.228976968716819;0.91333736150167;0.152378018969223;0.825816977489547;0.538342435260057;0.996134716626885;0.0781755287531837;0.442678269775446;0];
    f1 = [-0.029171964726699;-0.0278570165494982;0.0331454732535324;0.187656956432487;0.358856370923984;0.449974662483267;0.391341738643094;0.244800719791534;0.111797007617227;0.0721767235173722;0.0854437239807415;0.143888234591602;0.251750993723227;0.478953530572365;0.748209818420035;0.908044924557262;0.811960826711455;0.512568916956487;0.22669198638799;0.168136111568694;0.365578085161896;0.644996661336714;0.823562159983554;0.792812945867018;0.656803251999341;0.545799498053254;0.587013303815021;0.777464637372241;0.962722388208354;0.980537136457874;0.734416947254272;0.375435649393553;0.106489547770962;0.0892376361668696;0.242467741982851;0.40610516900965;0.427497319032133;0.301874099075184;0.128396341665384;0.00246347624097456;-0.0322120242872125];

    figure(1), clf, hold on

    h(1) = subplot(2,1,1); hold on

    h(2) = subplot(2,1,2); hold on

    axis([0 max(length(f1),length(f2)), min(min(f1),min(f2)),max(max(f1),max(f2))])

    %% make cubic interpolators and test points

    pp1 = spline(1:numel(f1), f1);
    pp2 = spline(1:numel(f2), f2);

    maxX = max(numel(f1), numel(f2));
    N  = 100 * maxX;

    x2 = linspace(1, maxX, N);
    y1 = ppval(pp1, x2);

    %% search for parameters

    s = fminsearch(@(X) sum( (y1 - ppval(pp2,X(1)*x2+X(2))).^2 ), [0 0])

    %% plot results

    y2 = ppval( pp2, s(1)*x2+s(2));

    figure(1), hold on
    subplot(2,1,2), hold on    
    plot(x2,y2, 'r')
    legend('before', 'after')



s =
2.886234493867320e-001    3.734482822175923e-001

the result

Note that this computes the opposite transformation from the one you generated the data with. Reversing the numbers:

>> 1/s(1) 
ans =    
    3.464721948700991e+000   % seems pretty decent 
>> -s(2)
ans = 
    -3.734482822175923e-001  % hmmm...rather different from 7/11!

(I'm not sure about the 7/11 value you provided; using the exact values you gave to make a plot results in a less accurate approximation to the source function...Are you sure about the 7/11?)

Accuracy can be improved by either

  1. using a different optimizer (fmincon, fminunc, etc.)
  2. demanding a higher accuracy from fminsearch through optimset
  3. having more sample points in both f1 and f2 to improve the quality of the interpolations
  4. Using a better initial estimate

Anyway, this approach is pretty general and gives nice results. It also requires no toolboxes.

It has one major drawback though -- the solution found may not be the global optimizer, e.g., the quality of the outcomes of this method could be quite sensitive to the initial estimate you provide. So, always make a (difference) plot to make sure the final solution is accurate, or if you have a large number of such things to do, compute some sort of quality factor upon which you decide to re-start the optimization with a different initial estimate.

It is of course very possible to use the results of the Fourier+Mellin transforms (as suggested by chaohuang below) as an initial estimate to this method. That might be overkill for the simple example you provide, but I can easily imagine situations where this could indeed be very useful.


For each f(x), take the absolute value of f(x) and normalize it such that it can be considered a probability mass function over its support. Calculate the expected value E[x] and variance of Var[x]. Then, we have that

  E[a x + b] = a E[x] + b
Var[a x + b] = a^2 Var[x]

Use the above equations and the known values of E[x] and Var[x] to calculate a and b. Taking your values of f1 and f2 from your example, the following Octave script performs this procedure:

% Octave script
% f1, f2 are defined as given in your example
f1 = [zeros(length(f2) - length(f1), 1); f1];

save_f1 = f1; save_f2 = f2;

f1 = abs( f1 ); f2 = abs( f2 );
f1 = f1 ./ sum( f1 ); f2 = f2 ./ sum( f2 );

mean = @(x)sum(((1:length(x))' .* x));
var = @(x)sum((((1:length(x))'-mean(x)).^2) .* x);

m1 = mean(f1); m2 = mean(f2);
v1 = var(f1); v2 = var(f2)

a = sqrt( v2 / v1 ); b = m2 - a * m1;

plot( a .* (1:length( save_f1 )) + b, save_f1, ...
      1:length( save_f2 ), save_f2 );
axis([0 length( save_f1 )];

And the output is enter image description here

For the scale factor a, you can estimate it by computing the ratio of the amplitude spectra of the two signals since the Fourier transform is invariant to shift.

Similarly, you can estimate the shift factor b by using the Mellin transform, which is scale invariant.

Here's a super simple approach to estimate the scale a that works on your example data:

a = length(f2) / length(f1)

This gives 3.4167 which is close to your stated value of 3.4. If that estimate is good enough, you can use correlation to estimate the shift.

I realize that this is not exactly what you asked, but it may be an acceptable alternative depending on the data.

Both Rody Oldenhuis and jstarr's answers are correct. I'm adding my own answer just to sum things up, and connect between them. I've messed up Rody's code a little bit and ended up with the following:

function findScaleShift
load f1f2

x0 = [length(f1)/length(f2) 0]; %initial guess, can do better
costFunc = @(z) sum((eval_f1(z,f2,n)-f1).^2);
opt.TolFun = eps; 
title('squared error')

function y = eval_f1(x,f2,n)
t = maketform('affine',[x(1) 0 x(2); 0 1 0 ; 0 0 1]');
y=imtransform(f2',t,'cubic','xdata',[1 n ],'ydata',[1 1])';

This gives zero results: enter image description here This method is accurate but exhaustive and may take some time. Another disadvantage is that it finds only a local minima, and may give false results if initial guess (x0) is far.

On the other hand, jstarr method gave the following results:

xopt = [ 3.49655562549115         -0.676062367063033]

which is 10% deviation from the correct answer. Pretty fast solution, but not as accurate as I requested, but still should be noted. I think in order to get the best results jstarr method should be used as an initial guess for the method purposed by Rody, giving an accurate solution.


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