
I'm trying to implement an AlphabtIndexer and the constructor requires a Cursor to the table in the DB.

is there a way to get a Cursor back from a Query object in GreenDao?

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Assume you have Query object query and dao sesssion daoSession you can run:

Cursor cursor = daoSession.getDatabase().rawQuery(query.getSql(), query.getParameters());


GreenDao 2.1, queryBuilder offers a buildCursor() function


With GreenDao 2.1 you can create a QueryBuilder object then just call buildCursor().query() on the object to return a cursor.

DBUserDao userDao = daoSession.getDBUserDao();
QueryBuilder<DBUser> queryBuilder = userDao.queryBuilder().where(DBUserDao.Properties.Phone_number.eq("XYZ"));
Cursor cursor = queryBuilder.buildCursor().query();
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