
I hope You are more 'on the ball' than I am.

I remember getting news on the Mozilla labs TestSwarm (now jQuery TestSwarm) some time ago. It had active users then, but it was not more than 10 per a single browser+OS configuration.

I went there today expecting it to be far better and it turns out that there are NO active testing environments. Moreover, when I tried to view the service:

Invalid query: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction` once in every two or three queries.

Is this project dead? Are there any similiar community projects for JS testing that I could not only take part in, but use for my code? Or do I have to test JS myself?

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At FOWA Miami in February (2010) I asked John Resig about it and his answer was like this (not exact words but that's what I remember of it): Still very much high in his plans since the next steps were to get jQuery Core support on mobile really solid and part of achieving this goal will be the need to automate testing on various platforms as much as possible which is what test swarm is about.


The following website is still live.

(The link on that site is old at the moment I'm writing this.) And if you want the code:

The project is still alive. John last committed around April 13, 2011. The unit tests for jQuery core and QUnit both make use of the swarm and are updated at regular intervals.

It appears Microsoft either forked the code or recreated the project.

Check out BrowserSwarm

Another recent alternative seems to be CodeSwarm.

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