
like DOMDocument class in PHP, is there any class in RUBY (i.e the core RUBY), to parse and get node elements value from a HTML Document.

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There is no built-in HTML parser (yet), but some very good ones are available, in particular Nokogiri.

Meta-answer: For common needs like these, I'd recommend checking out the Ruby Toolbox site. You'll notice that Nokogiri is the top recommendation for HTML parsers


You should check out hpricot. It's exceedingly good. It's not 'core' ruby, but it's a commonly used gem.

You can also try Oga by Yorick Peterse.

It is an XML/HTML parser written in Ruby that does not require system libraries such as libxml. You can find it here.

Ruby Cheerio - A jQuery style HTML parser in ruby. A most simplified version of Nokogiri for crawlers. This is the ruby version of most popular NodeJS package cheerio.

Follow the link for a simple crawler example.

gem install ruby-cheerio

require 'ruby-cheerio'

jQuery ="<html><body><h1 class='one'>h1_1</h1><h1>h1_2</h1></body></html>")

jQuery.find('h1').each do |head_one|
    p head_one.text

# getting attribute values like jQuery.
p jQuery.find('')[0].prop('h1','class')

# function chaining similar to jQuery.
p jQuery.find('body').find('h1').first.text
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