
In my Asp.Net project I wanna use Property Auto-wiring, e.g. for my ILogger. Basically I placed it as Property into class where I need to use it. Like below.

public class UserControlBase : UserControl
    public ILogger CLogger { get; set; }

public partial class IPTracking : UserControlBase
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            string ip = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
            //it works
            ILogger logger = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ILogger>();
            logger.LogInfo(string.Format("Client IP: {0}", ip));
            //it does not work
            CLogger.LogInfo(string.Format("Client IP: {0}", ip));

However when calling in inherited control, logger is null. I checked the container and it'a definitely set as above implementation shows. Below is setting which is called from Global.asax.

    public static void SetupForIoC()
        ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>


Thanks for any advice, tip? X.

- I didnt mentioned before, but its Asp.Net webforms 3.5.
- I can't see what I am missing. I guess it could be because the injection gets involved later in process and didnt get set in requested class.

Link to desc. of usage:

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Give something like this a shot.

FillAllPropertiesOfType<ILogger>().AlwaysUnique().Use(s => s.ParentType == null ? new Log4NetLogger(s.BuildStack.Current.ConcreteType) : new Log4NetLogger((s.ParentType)));

Check out another StackOverflow answer I have which discusses using StructureMap to auto wire loggers.


Where do you actually set the CLogger property on the user control? Also, if you wanted to use one logger within the page, you could have the User cotnrol do:

public ILogger CLogger
    if (this.Page is PageBase)
       return ((PageBase)this.Page).Logger;
       return null;
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