
I am now going to use the .jar file on However, after I download it, I tried to import it in my current project folder (in Eclipse)

the two import statements


always get complained by the compiler saying couln't find such class

Could any one help on how to correctly import this .jar file into a project in Eclipse?


You need to add it to your build path. Right-click on the project in Project View, select Build Path->Configure Build Path, then Libraries tab. Now, use one of available options there to add a JAR.

Use "Add JAR" if you copied the jar to your project folder or "Add External JARs" to add it by poiting to a path in filesystem. (Anyway, it is better to copy the jar to the project folder, in which you want to use the jar).


Copy the google-api-translate-java-0.92.jar file to your project /WEB-INF/lib/ folder and refresh your project (right click on project and select "refresh").

Google Translate API v1 is deprectaed and will shutdown soon. You can use Google Translate API v2 Java. It has a core module that you can call from your Java code and also a command line interface module.

Hy I have faced the same issue and fixed it

Step1: download google-translate-api jar file

step2: paste into your app library file

step3: Goto project structure > app > select dependencies -> then add path of your jar file...

Enjoy now you can acess google api services

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