
Am I crazy, or is it a bad idea to keep my SMTP username and password for ActionMailer in the actual (development/production) config file? It seems like I should store it an encrypted place, or at the very minimum, exclude it from my Mercurial pushes.

Right now, I'm just removing the password from my source file before performing a push, but there's got to be a smarter way than the one I'm using. :)

Perhaps I should store it in my database as another user (which is already stored with encrypted passwords) and fetch it programatically?

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Use an application configuration file that is not stored in your repository for storing sensitive information. Here is how I've done it:

  1. Add an app_config.yml in your config directory. Its contents would look like this:

    smtp_password: kl240jvfslkr32rKgjlk
    some_other_password: 34hg9r0j0g402jg
    and_so_on: lkn$@gJkjgsFLK4gaj
  2. Add a preinitializer.rb in your config directory with the following contents:

    require 'yaml'
    APP_CONFIG = YAML.load( + "/config/app_config.yml"))
  3. Substitute your passwords for values in the APP_CONFIG variable, like so:

    smtp_password = kl240jvfslkr32rKgjlk # old version
    smtp_password = APP_CONFIG['smtp_password'] # new version

Make sure you don't include app_config.yml in your repository, though you may want to create an example file that is checked in, just to show a sample of what should be in it. When you deploy your application, make sure that app_config.yml is stored on the server. If you're using a standard Capistrano deployment, put the file in the shared folder and update your deployment task to create a symlink to it in the current release's directory.


Jimmy's answer is perfect (+1), I would also note that Github has recommended .gitignore files for every language and the Rails one is here Note that it includes config/*.yml so that no config/yml file is in the respository to begin with. Probably a good move.

Use Capistrano to ask for these things upon deploy:setup the same way you should be doing for your database stuff:

task :my_silly_task do 
    sendgrid_password = Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("Sendgrid password: ")
    require 'yaml'
    spec =  {... whatever yaml you need -- probably what Jimmy said...}
    run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/config" 
    put(spec.to_yaml, "#{shared_path}/config/mailer_config.yml") 
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