
What is a simple algorithm to determine if a graph, given as an adjacency matrix, is a tree?

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Solution 2

A tree is a graph without cycles, so to detect if your graph is a tree, check to see if it has any cycles. This can be done by traversing the matrix, retaining a history of every visited node and upon visiting a node, checking to see if it was in the set of nodes visited.

Here's a previous SO post about detecting cycles. It's a starting point: How to detect if a directed graph is cyclic?

You can also study up on graph traversals and adjacency matrices, to give you a better grounding in what you need to do.

If after all of this, you still need help, you can post what you have so far.


You can count amount of edges (E) and amount of verticies (V) if E + 1 = V you can assume that it's a tree. You also need to check that there is one connected component. To figure out that it only contains one component you may use either DFS or BFS.

Some code (in Python):

def is_tree(G):
    n = len(G)
    M = [False]*n

    def dfs_tree(u, v):
        M[v] = True

        return all(w==u or not M[w] and dfs_tree(v, w) for w in range(n) if G[v][w])

    return dfs_tree(0, 0) and all(M)

print is_tree([
    [0, 1, 1],
    [1, 0, 0],
    [1, 0, 0],



print is_tree([
    [0, 1, 1],
    [1, 0, 1],
    [1, 1, 0],


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