
There is a lot of contradicting statements regarding whether ANT or Maven support Dimensions (NOT PVCS). Does anyone with real hands on experience know if there exists a reliable, production grade/ready plugin or task for Dimensions? I basically just need to be able to use Maven (preferably) or Ant to grab some revision in Dimensions and build from it.

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To my knowledge, Dimensions is not supported by the SCM plugin. Maybe there is an Ant Task that you could call from AntRun but I couldn't find it.


im developing this, i hope in a few days i have support for checkout, checkin, tag, status, update and maybe changelog.


I use an Ant task like this to pull the latest source for my project:

<target name="get_source" description='execute Serena Dimensions and get latest code.'>
    <exec executable="DMCLI">
        <arg value="-cmd"/>
        <!-- EOL=UNCHANGED is important for FWI command to avoid corrupting image files -->
        <arg value="&quot;FWI MYPROJ:MAIN /EOL=UNCHANGED /USER_DIRECTORY=\&quot;${project.dir}&quot;&quot;"/>
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