
Assume that I have existing database with existing data.

Is there any framework / ORM that generates data conversion SQL scripts when I need change column datatype? Of course there is problem with conversions like

  • float to int
  • string to int

, but I would like to have such default functionality that automatically converts data from

  • int to float
  • int to string.

Do I have always to write data SQL data conversion scripts in both cases?

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In the .Net world I've had very good experience with LLBLGen Pro. It supports the generation of DDL scripts to migrate the underlying database to the updated entity definitions. Here is quick start guide that shows the overview of how this works, and here is documentation section for Model-First design process

You can either use it with its own runtime framework, or simply as a design tool for Entity Framework, NHibernate, or Linq to SQL.


SauceDB is written in .NET and is capable of doing automatic schema modifications when you change the data type on an access object.

Disclamer: I wrote it

There is EntityFramework.Migrations for example.

And another competitor: Propel Migrations

What about Doctrine Migrations

I would recommend DataObjects.Net.

Automatic upgrade works when we add new classes and properties to the model, but sometimes necessary to perform some specific schema modifications, for example rename of properties or classes, in this case you can write an upgrade handler(RenameFieldHint, RemoveFieldHint etc)

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