
I'm loading content via an AJAX call into a table row added to the DOM on the fly. I'm calling the datepicker functionality in my callback function and the calendar shows fine. However, when I click on the date, I get an error: inst is null. Here's my code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".edit").live("click", function() {
        //Delete previously loaded edit row

        //Get the record id of the row to be edited
        var recordID = $(this).parent("td").parent("tr").attr("id");

        //Add the new row to the document
        $(this).parent("td").parent("tr").after("<tr id=\"tempEditRow\"><td id=\"tempEditCell\" colspan=\"100\"></td></tr>")

        //Get a reference to the new row
        var container = $("#tempEditCell");

        //Populate the container
        populateContainer("/wpm/includes/ajax_editApplication.cfm?id=" + recordID, container);

function populateContainer(ajaxUrl, container) {
    //Populate the container
        url: ajaxUrl,
        cache: false,
        success: function(html){

I've tried deleting the hasDatepicker class, deleting any references to the datepicker, etc. but nothing is working. Thanks in advance for helping!

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I had the same error, which was because I had two datepickers input fields with the same id, one setup during runtime and the other through ajax. Gave them a unique id and it all worked


Try calling datepicker('destroy') as part of wiping out the previous row (do it before your remove() call).

$("#tempEditRow .datepicker").datepicker('destroy');
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