
I'm using fopen in C to write the output to a text file. The function declaration is (where ARRAY_SIZE has been defined earlier):

void create_out_file(char file_name[],long double *z1){  
  FILE *out;  
  int i;  

  if((out = fopen(file_name, "w+")) == NULL){  
    fprintf(stderr, "***> Open error on output file %s", file_name);  

  for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++)  
    fprintf(out, "%.16Le\n", z1[i]);  

My questions:

  1. On compilation with MVS2008 I get the warning: warning C4996: 'fopen': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using fopen_s instead. I haven't see much information on fopen_s so that I can change my code. Any suggestions?

  2. Can one instruct fprintf to write numbers at a desired numerical precision to a file? If I'm using long double then I assume that my answers are good till 15 digits after the decimal point. Am I right?

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fopen_s is a variant of fopen which contains parameter validation and hands back an error code instead of a pointer in case something goes wrong during the open process. It's more secure than the base variant because it accounts for more edge conditions. The compiler is warning you to use it because fopen represents a potential exploitation vector in your application.

You can specify digits of precision to the printf family of functions by using the specifier %.xg, where x is the digits of precision you want in the output. A long double varies in precision from platform to platform, but you can generally bet on it being at least 16 digits of decimal precision.

Edit: While I'm not entirely on board with the others who are suggesting that fopen_s is a complete waste of time, it does represent a pretty low chance of exploitation and it isn't widely supported. Some of the other functions warned about under C4996 are much more serious vulnerabilities, however, and using _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS is the equivalent of turning off the alarm for both "you left your bedroom door unlocked" and "you left a nuclear bomb in the kitchen".

As long as you aren't restricted to using "pure C" for your project (e.g. for a school assignment or an embedded microcontroller), you would do well to exploit the fact that almost all modern C compilers are also C++ compilers and use the C++ iostream variants of all of these I/O functions in order to get both improved security and compatibility at the same time.


I ran into a similar problem working with Visual Studio 2012 but where my problem expanded was I'm building a program that I want to use the bells and whistles of Visual Studio for testing and eventually be able to compile and run the same application on my Linux server (I'm making a bot)

so this is what I came up with after some Google-ing and thought I'd post it in case it may help anyone else.

FILE *fp_config;
const char *configfile ;
configfile = "bot.conf";
#ifdef WIN32
    errno_t err;
    if( (err  = fopen_s( &fp_config, configfile, "r" )) !=0 ) {
    if ((fp_config = fopen(configfile, "r")) == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open config file %s!\n", configfile);

this will appease Visual Studio and it will not complain and it will also allow the same code to compile on gcc or any other standards compliant c/c++ compiler

  1. fopen_s and all the other _s functions are MS-specific "secure" variants of standard functions. If your code doesn't need to be cross-platform, you can just switch and make the compiler happy. Otherwise, just add the _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS pre-processor directive into your project settings and it'll stop warning you about it.

  2. Yeah, long double is easily good for 15 digits of precision; actually, even regular doubles are good enough for that much (but no more).

Other posters have pointed out that fopen is not really very unsafe. If you don't want this warning, but you do want the other ones that warn of real vulnerabilities, don't #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS.

Instead, the next time you get the fopen warning, click on the line that says "see declaration of 'fopen'". This will take you to the line in stdio.h which is injecting the warning. Delete the text _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(fopen_s) from that line, and you will no longer get the security warning when you use fopen, but it will remain for strcpy, strdup and those other possibly dangerous ones.

Moving from fopen to fopen_s disabled the ability to open file in notepad (read only) while file is opened and being writen. Swithing back to fopen and I can read wile my program writes the file.

Just define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS before you include any file to get rid of this warnings, and stop believe to what MS says about fopen

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