
I am working on the Firmware for an embedded USB project. The production programmer I would like to use automatically writes the Serial Number into the device flash memory at a specified memory address. The programmer stores the serial number as Hex digits in a specified number of bytes. For example, if I tell it to store the serial number 123456 at address 0x3C00 my memory looks like this:

0x3C00  -  00
0x3C01  -  01
0x3C02  -  E2
0x3C03  -  40
//(123456 in Hex = 1E240)

The problem is, when my host application reads the serial number from the device it is looking for a unicode char array. So my serial number should be ...

{ '1','0',

When the

So in my firmware, which I'm writing in C, is it possible to retrieve the hex serial number from flash, encode it into a unicode char array and store it in a variable in Ram?

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If the serial number fits into 32 bits and the platform is big endian and supports Unicode, 32 bit ints and the standard C libraries then this is pretty straightforward as other answers have shown. If the platform has 32 bit ints and 8 bit chars but is little endian and/or doesn't support Unicode, and if the serial number can vary in length, then the below may be useful, though it's a little workmanlike.

void extract_serial_number(unsigned char* address, unsigned int bytes, char* buffer) {
    unsigned int value = 0;
    char c, *start = buffer;
    while (bytes--) {                      /* read the serial number into an integer */
        value = value << 8;
        value |= *address++;
    while (value > 0) {                    /* convert to 16 bit Unicode (reversed) */
        *buffer++ = '0' + value % 10;
        *buffer++ = '\0';
        value /= 10;
    *buffer++ = '\0';
    *buffer++ = '\0';
    buffer -= 4;
    while (buffer > start) {               /* reverse the string */
        c = *buffer;
        *buffer = *start;
        *start = c;
        buffer -= 2;
        start += 2;


It seems like you want:

wsprintf(wchar_buffer, L"%d", serial_number)

(assuming that your serial number fits in a 32-bit integer. In any case, wsprintf will print your serial number as a wchar (unicode) string.

You should be able to use something like this:

wchar_t buf[10];
swprintf(buf, L"%d", your_int_value);

The details may be different depending on your exact implementation of the C runtime library. For example, your swprintf() may expect the number of characters in buf:

swprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]), L"%d", your_int_value);

not sure that this code will fit your device, but let's try

char buffer[MAX_SIZE];
char unicodeBuffer[MAX_SIZE];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", i);
int len = strlen(buffer);
int i = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= (len << 1) - 2; i++)
   unicodeBuffer[i] = i % 2 ? buffer[i] : 0;
unicodeBuffer[i + 1] = 0;
unicodeBuffer[i + 2] = 0;

If you have access to sprintf in your embedded environment, then this should work:

#define MAX_SIZE(type) ((CHAR_BIT * sizeof(type) - 1) / 3 + 2)

/* Destination UCS2 buffer size must be at least 2*MAX_SIZE(int) */
void int_to_ucs2(char *dest, int q)
    char buffer[MAX_SIZE(q)];
    char *src = buffer;

    sprintf(buffer, "%d", q);

    do {
        *dest++ = *src;
        *dest++ = 0;
    } while (*src++);
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