
My eclipse 4.2 Juno can’t install anything related to Google App Engine Java SDK & Google Web Toolkit. I have seen similar questions & answers. They suggested opening eclipse with –clean argument, running with administrative permissions, installing plugins with administrative permissions etc. I tried all of them & needless to say none of them worked. Whenever I check for “what is already installed” I can see them installed but they don’t appear anywhere. Plugins Are Greyed

I am using Android SDK bundle which is Eclipse Juno wrapped with android tools. As long as these plugins/SDK s have compatibility issue with android plugins it shouldn't matter.

Installed plugins/SDKs looks like This One

or This one

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I have tried installing all the above plugins with JUNO. It works. The order of installation for me is -

Juno Java EE -


Online -
Offline -

Android -


I don't know who is more stupid Google Engineers or me. But the point is they failed to mention one simple thing, Eclipse EE is must, Eclipse Classic won't work. In the end my problem is solved & I am happy now :D.

But one curious question remains. What grey icons refer to? If they refer to something good, like things are working or something like that, I urge the developers to choose a different color. The way things are now Its simply weird

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