
I am using a StringReader to read input from a multi-line textbox. However, I am experiencing strange behaviour.
My Code:

string x = reader.ReadLine();
int y = int.Parse(x);

x is always an int.
My problem is that since x is the first line of the multiline textbox, it doesn't contain just the int, but System.Windows.Forms.Textbox, Text:10
Any help here?

I create the StringReader as following:

using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(Convert.ToString(multilinetbox)))

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Change your reader to read the Text property of the multiline textbox, instead of the entire control:

using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(multilinetbox.Text))


I know you are not asking this but still I thought to post it.

Why not try

foreach (string line in multilinetbox.Lines)
    int y = int.Parse(line);

Hope it helps.

This should work:

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        StringReader rdr = new StringReader(textBox1.Text);
        int y = int.Parse(rdr.ReadLine());

I think you made a mistake at your StringReader declaration.

Because Convert.ToString(multilinebox) first converts the type information, and then get the text content.

You should change the multilinebox to multilinebox.Text.


using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(Convert.ToString(multilinetbox.Text)))

You have normal results for your code, because Convert.ToString(multilinetbox) converts it to text representation.

Try to user 'Lines' property instead:

foreach (string ln in textBox1.Lines)
    // some work here
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