
Currently I run prove like this:

prove -v -r .

Is there a way to exclude files using regex? I could not see that in perldoc prove or the output of prove -H.

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I usually do something like this:

$ find t/ -name '*.t' ! -name '*timeout*' | xargs prove -l

(skips slow timeout tests)


I managed to do this by using a sub-directory :

$ tree t/
├── 01_tests.t
├── 02_tests.t
├── 03_tests.t
└── ignored
    └── 01_ignored.t

Then I do this to execute the normal tests:

$ prove -v t/*.t
t/01_tests.t ........ ok
t/02_tests.t ........ ok
t/03_tests.t ........ ok
Result: PASS

And this to execute the ignored tests in another context:

$ prove -v t/ignored/
t/ignored/01_ignored.t ........ ok
Result: PASS

Simple and efficient solution if your tests are not already stored in different sub-directories.

For making it easier to use, and document how to run the tests, I usually put those in a Makefile.

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