
If I have a :due column that is a datetime type, how would I make calling .strftime on it work?

For instance, I have

<% @todos.each do |todo|%>
   <%= todo.due.strftime("%h %d") %>
<% end %>

in my show view and I get undefined method `strftime' for nil:NilClass

I have this in my show method in the controller:

@todos = ProjectTodo.for_project(params[:id])

Note: I'm not trying to display when it was updated or created, just want to display a formatted date.

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try this..

 <% @todos.each do |todo|%>
 <%= todo.due ? todo.due.strftime("%h %d") : nil %>
 <% end %>

      If the date is there then it will convert to the given format else it will display nil.
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