
Class with two overloaded operator() functions are called from separate threads. See //comments in code below.

Does the optimizer know not to move entryadd = mSpread * ENTRY_MULTIPLIER above the lock()?

struct Algo1
    boost::detail::spinlock mSpreadLock;

    Algo1() : mSpreadLock() {}

    //called from thread 1 
    inline void operator()(const indata &signal) 
        if ( signal.action() == SEND )
            double entryadd;
            entryadd = mSpread * ENTRY_MULTIPLIER; //isnt it possible for compiler to optimize this before the lock? 

    //called from thread2
    inline void operator()(const indata2 &bospread) 
        boost::detail::spinlock::scoped_lock mylock(mSpreadLock);
        mSpread = bospread.spread();

What about this?

    double entryadd = mSpread * ENTRY_MULTIPLIER; 

Would the definition of entryadd me moved to top of function?

Unless im missing something.. seems that lock and unlock within a code block will not work. must use scoped_lock. boost::detail::spinlock::scoped_lock mylock(mSpreadLock) , which will lock for the duration of the function call.

Of course I can just hack it like this: (but is less efficient)

inline void operator()(const indata &signal) 
    if ( signal.action() == SEND )
        double entryadd;
            boost::detail::spinlock::scoped_lock mylock(mSpreadLock);
            entryadd = mSpread * ENTRY_MULTIPLIER; 
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Locking operations will eventually use compiler built-in functions which perform some type of atomic operation. The compiler knows that those operations must not be reodered and will not optimize "past" them. It's all fine.

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