
I have have a folder structure like so:









I want to use ANT to copy the complete directory and also change the PROJECT string in the files or folder to a specified value e.g. mysuperproject, so the result folder structure is so :









Is there a easy way to do that in ANT ?

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The Move task should suit you. Read the linked docs carefully.

It's a core task, so you can use it without downloading of configuring anything.


I have a similar requirement. This is what I did:

  <target name="move-and-rename" description="Move and Rename">
        <copy todir="${toDir}" verbose="true" overwrite="true">
            <fileset dir="${fromDir}" includes="**" />
            <regexpmapper from="(.*)${fromName}(.*)" to="\1${toName}\2"/>

Invoke on command line as

ant move-and-rename -DfromName=project -DtoName=xxxproject -DfromDir=. -DtoDir=proj2

Hope it helps somebody else.

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