
I have a Vector that holds a number of objects. My code uses a loop to add objects to the Vector depending on certain conditions. My question is, when I add the object to the Vector, is the original object reference added to the vector or does the Vector make a new instance of the object and adds that?

For example, in the following code:

private Vector numbersToCalculate;
StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();

while(currentBuffer.length() > i) {
    //Some other code
    temp.setLength(0); //resets the temp StringBuffer

What I'm doing is adding the "temp" StringBuffer to the numbersToCalculate Vector. Should I be creating a new StringBuffer within the loop and adding that or will this code work? Thanks for the help!


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You need to create a new StringBuffer each time. Each item item in the Vector is just a pointer to the same StringBuffer object, so each time through the loop you are resetting the single instance of stringbuffer and adding the same reference to the Vector.

Just replace the temp.setLength(0); with temp = new StringBuffer();


If you have to have an independent object added to the Vector, create a new one each time.

You're adding references to the vector. If the state of an object changes, then all references to it see the change.

It uses the same object each time. You should add a temp = new StringBuffer(); to the end of your loop. (The result of your loop will be a Vector of pointers to the same single empty StringBuffer.)

The Vector will store the reference you give it, it won't create its own copy of the object. So if you want the Vector to have buffers separate from the one you're continuing to use, as you said you'll need to create those separately by creating a new buffer instead of setting the old one's length to zero.

Off-topic side note: Vector is fairly out of date. you're probably better off with ArrayList (or one of the other classes implementing List, if you don't need an array backing it).

Inserting an element into a collection does not, and can not, make a copy of an object, because Java has no formalized notion of a copy-constructor or operator overloading for user-defined types. That is, a general purpose collection can not know how to copy the contained objects.

Java's assignment operator always copies the pointer, never the contents, of a user-defined type.

As most of the answers here say, a Vector stores references to objects of type Object. If you change the underlying Object each time you will end up with a Vector containing lots of references to one object, which now contains the last value you gave it.

Based on the name of your variables, I'm guessing you actually want to be storing numbers in your Vector.

In an ideal world you would just add object of type int into the Vector. Unfortunately, in Java an int is a 'primitive type', and Vector can only store objects of type Object. This means you can only put Integer objects into the Vector instead of int objects.

So your code will look something like:

// Put a number at index 0
Integer inputNumber = new Integer(7);
numbersToCalculate.add(0, inputNumber);

// Some time later read out the value at index 0
Object objFromVector = numbersToCalculate.elementAt(0);

// Cast the Object to an Integer
Integer numberToProcess = (Integer)objFromVector;

This code will throw an IllegalCastException if the Vector contains something that isn't an Integer object. If you are worried about that you can encompass it in a try catch statement.

In your example you will presumably want to just loop through all the numbers in the Vector. You also might want to be more prescriptive about what objects your Vector can contain (called 'Generics', which is similar to C templating). Here's what it might look like:

Vector<Integer> myVector = new Vector<Integer>();

// Add stuff to the Vector

for (Integer number : myVector)
    // Do stuff with the number

The foreach and Generics constructs were only added in Java SDK 1.5, so you can't use them if you want to run on an earlier Java SDK.

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