
In functional programming, it's often important to optimize any "looping" code to be tail recursive. Tail recursive algorithms are usually split between two functions, however - one which sets up the base case, and another that implements the actual loop. A good (albeit academic) example would be the reverse function.

reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse = reverse_helper []

reverse_helper :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
reverse_helper result [] = result
reverse_helper result (x:xs) = reverse_helper (x:result) xs

"reverse_helper" isn't really a good, descriptive name. However, "reverse_recursive_part" is just awkward.

What naming convention would you use for helper functions like this?

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I tend to add "_recurse" to the end. So "reverse_recurse". Not sure where I got that from. I like leaving the base case function simple as you have in your example. It tends to be the "public" function and the fact that it uses a helper function to perform the iteration is irrelevant to the caller. In javascript I sometimes go so far as to hide the iterative function via a closure, to make it really clear it is not to be called directly.


You can call the helper function anything you want, and it won't matter as long as you don't put the helper function in the "global" namespace. Simply adding a "prime" seems a common practice. :) E.g., in Haskell,

reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse = reverse' []
    where reverse' :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
          reverse' result [] = result
          reverse' result (x:xs) = reverse' (x:result) xs

I always use do_, like "do_compute" with "compute". I find it quite descriptive as it is effectively the part of the function that performs the action, whereas the "compute" that gets called needs to have a simple descriptive name for the outside world.

I agree with ShreevatsaR, if you don't make the helper function top-level (or worse, put it in the export list), than it doesn't matter what its name is. I tend to call helper functions f and g.

reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse = f []
    f ys []     = xs
    f ys (x:xs) = f (x:ys) xs

I just use this naming scheme for small functions (otherwise I don't know what the f refers to). Then again, why would you ever write big functions?

However, if you do want to export your 'helper' function because it might be useful to others, I would call it:


Like Haskell's zip and zipWith. But I wouldn't call those 'helper' functions, zipWith is just a generic function and zip is the default implementation (probably the one thats used the most).

I also agree with ShreevatsaR, in this example I would make the helper a private function.

For other cases where I need helper functions to be visible in the whole module, but not exported, I tend to prefix functions with '_'. Sure, there is the explicit exports statement but during development I tend to export all functions to ease interactive exploration, e.g. in ghci. Later on I add the list of exported functions and the underbar makes it easy to remember whether I intended a function to be local or not.

I use aux or foo_aux (for main function foo), and nest the definition so it's not externally visible.

setup and execute


function whateverSetup() { ... }
function whateverExecute() { ... }
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