
What is the fastest / clearest way to see if a string matches to another string of the same length with X allowed mismatches? Is there a library that can do this, its not in Apache stringUtils (there is only one that also uses insertions / deletions).

So lets say I have 2 string of length for and I want to know if they match with 1 mismatch allowed. Insertions and deletions are not allowed.


ABCD <-> ABCD = Match

ABCC <-> ABCD = Match with 1 mismatch

ACCC <-> ABCD = no match, 2 mismatches is too much.

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String str1, str2;

Assuming the lengths of the strings are equal:

int i = 0;

for(char c : str1.toCharArray())
   if(c != str2.charAt(i++))

if(counter > 1)
  // mismatch


Compare the strings one character at a time.Keep a counter to count the mismatch.When the counter exceeds the limit, return false.If you reach the end of string, return true

Try this to store the strings in a char array (char[] charArray = String.toCharArray()).

char[] stringA = firsString.toCharArray();
char[] stringB = secondString.toCharArray();
int ctr = 0;   

if(stringA.length == stringB.length){
    for(int i = 0; i<stringA.length; i++){
        if(stringA[i] == stringB[i]){

//do the if-else here using the ctr

If you want the FASTEST way, you should code it from an existing algorithm like "Approximate Boyer-Moore String Matching" or Suffix Tree method...

Look at here:

They did the math, you do the code...

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