
I am trying to call JSObject.getWindow(this) in the init method of JApplet but it is not able to resolve the symbol getWindow.

this problem is specifically happening with a javafx application project created through netbeans , getWindow is getting resolved if used in a java application project.

I have also included the plugin.jar from path Java\jdk1.7.0_07\jre\lib.

This is a javafx application project that I created in netbeans.

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The reason for this is that jfxrt.lib also has a class named JSObject. This JSObject does not have getWindow function defined while plugin.jar one has. If you change the dependency order of JAR and make java to resolve JSObject to plugin.jar then java is able to call getWindow function.

Following are the links to the javadocs of both the classes.Note that jfxrt one doesn't have getWindow defined.


I'm using IntelliJ and just encountered a similar issue.

What I think is happening is that jfxrt.jar and plugin.jar both have netscape.javascript.JSObject classes, but the two classes have different signatures. IntelliJ was adding the jars from jre/lib in alphabetical order to the classpath.

By telling IntelliJ not to add jfxrt.jar to the classpath I have been able to resolve my issue because I'm not using JavaFX.

What this points to is that JavaFX requires a different approach to using JSObject - I'm no expert (not even a beginner) at JavaFX but the following page looks useful and suggests to me that calling Javascript is done differently in JavaFX using WebEngine.executeScript():

trying to call JSObject.getWindow(this) in the init method

The JSObject is typically not available until start() is called.

Did you import netscape.javascript.*;?

@deorvatsingh Here is the problem not with the netbeans the order you added the jar's. in JavaFx application jfxar.jar is visible first in netbeans cases thats the reason you are not able to get the scope for your JSObject.getWindow(this),

For executing this with netbeans and fxappication you first add the the plugin.jar then add jfxrt.jar to your appication then it will recognise.

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