
I really want to make a piece of text blink the old-school style without using javascript or text-decoration.

No transitions, only *blink*, *blink*, *blink*!

This is different from that question because I ask for blinking without continuous transitions, whereas OP of the other questions asks how to replace blinking with continuous transitions

Was it helpful?


The original Netscape <blink> had an 80% duty cycle. This comes pretty close, although the real <blink> only affects text:

.blink {
  animation: blink-animation 1s steps(5, start) infinite;
  -webkit-animation: blink-animation 1s steps(5, start) infinite;
@keyframes blink-animation {
  to {
    visibility: hidden;
@-webkit-keyframes blink-animation {
  to {
    visibility: hidden;
This is <span class="blink">blinking</span> text.

You can find more info about Keyframe Animations here.


Let me show you a little trick.

As Arkanciscan said, you can use CSS3 transitions. But his solution looks different from the original tag.

What you really need to do is this:

@keyframes blink {
  50% {
    opacity: 0.0;
@-webkit-keyframes blink {
  50% {
    opacity: 0.0;
.blink {
  animation: blink 1s step-start 0s infinite;
  -webkit-animation: blink 1s step-start 0s infinite;
<span class="blink">Blink</span>

JSfiddle Demo

Try this CSS

@keyframes blink {  
  0% { color: red; }
  100% { color: black; }
@-webkit-keyframes blink {
  0% { color: red; }
  100% { color: black; }
.blink {
  -webkit-animation: blink 1s linear infinite;
  -moz-animation: blink 1s linear infinite;
  animation: blink 1s linear infinite;
This is <span class="blink">blink</span>

​ You need browser/vendor specific prefixes:

There's actually no need for visibility or opacity - you can simply use color, which has the upside of keeping any "blinking" to the text only:

blink {
    display: inline;
    color: inherit;
    animation: blink 1s steps(1) infinite;
    -webkit-animation: blink 1s steps(1) infinite;
@keyframes blink { 50% { color: transparent; } }
@-webkit-keyframes blink { 50% { color: transparent; } }
Here is some text, <blink>this text will blink</blink>, this will not.


I'm going to hell for this :

  @-webkit-keyframes #{$name}
  @-moz-keyframes #{$name}
  @-ms-keyframes #{$name}
  @keyframes #{$name}

    zoom: 1
    opacity: 1

    opacity: 1 

    opacity: 0

    opacity: 0

  font-family: sans-serif
  font-size: 4em
  background: #222
  text-align: center

    color: rgba(#fff, 0.9)
    +animation(blink 1s 0s reverse infinite)

  display: table
  height: 5em
  width: 100%
  vertical-align: middle

    display: table-cell
    width: 100%
    height: 100%
    vertical-align: middle (sass with bourbon)

Another variation

.blink {
    -webkit-animation: blink 1s step-end infinite;
            animation: blink 1s step-end infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes blink { 50% { visibility: hidden; }}
        @keyframes blink { 50% { visibility: hidden; }}
This is <span class="blink">blink</span>

It's working in my case blinking text at 1s interval.

.blink_me {
  padding:0 20px 0  0;
  animation: blinker 1s linear infinite;

@keyframes blinker {
  50% { opacity: 0.4; }

If you want smooth blinking text or something a like you can use following code:

 .blinking {
    -webkit-animation: 1s blink ease infinite;
    -moz-animation: 1s blink ease infinite;
    -ms-animation: 1s blink ease infinite;
    -o-animation: 1s blink ease infinite;
    animation: 1s blink ease infinite;

  @keyframes "blink" {

    to {
      opacity: 0;

    50% {
      opacity: 1;

  @-moz-keyframes blink {

    to {
      opacity: 0;

    50% {
      opacity: 1;

  @-webkit-keyframes "blink" {

    to {
      opacity: 0;

    50% {
      opacity: 1;

  @-ms-keyframes "blink" {

    to {
      opacity: 0;

    50% {
      opacity: 1;

  @-o-keyframes "blink" {

    to {
      opacity: 0;

    50% {
      opacity: 1;
<span class="blinking">I am smoothly blinking</span>

if you want some glow effect use this

@keyframes blink {
  50% {
    opacity: 0.0;
@-webkit-keyframes blink {
  50% {
    opacity: 0.0;

atom-text-editor::shadow  .bracket-matcher .region {
    background-color: rgba(195,195,255,0.1);
    border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(155,155,255);
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 9px 4px rgba(155,155,255,0.1);
    border-radius: 3px;
    animation: blink 2s steps(115, start) infinite;
    -webkit-animation: blink 2s steps(115, start) infinite;

Please find below solution for your code.

@keyframes blink {
  50% {
    color: transparent;

.loader__dot {
  animation: 1s blink infinite;

.loader__dot:nth-child(2) {
  animation-delay: 250ms;

.loader__dot:nth-child(3) {
  animation-delay: 500ms;
Loading <span class="loader__dot">.</span><span class="loader__dot">.</span><span class="loader__dot">.</span>

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