
I'm still wrapping my head around Spine JS, its really clever cool stuff. I see it has support for Model Relationships but I can't seem to find any information about has_many :through relationships.

I'm guessing its not possible, does anyone know if it is?

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Half a decade late, but Spine.js does not have a has_many relation.

Quoting the source code, it only has belongsTo, hasOne and hasMany:

    hasMany: function(name, model, fkey) {
      if (fkey == null) {
        fkey = (underscore(this.className)) + "_id";
      return this.prototype[name] = function(value) {
        return association(name, model, this, fkey, Collection).refresh(value);
    belongsTo: function(name, model, fkey) {
      if (fkey == null) {
        fkey = (underscore(singularize(name))) + "_id";
      this.prototype[name] = function(value) {
        return association(name, model, this, fkey, Instance).update(value).find();
      return this.attributes.push(fkey);
    hasOne: function(name, model, fkey) {
      if (fkey == null) {
        fkey = (underscore(this.className)) + "_id";
      return this.prototype[name] = function(value) {
        return association(name, model, this, fkey, Singleton).update(value).find();
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