
I am looking at creating a web site and I want to try and learn either a Object Database or a Document Database. I am going to be using a hosting provider so I won't be able to install any software. I am unable to purchase any licensing so I need to be able use either a free or open source Object/Document Database. Are there any free Object/Document Databases that don't require installation of some sort?

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Have you looked at It is free and is a client/server object database. It is easy to use and fast. I found it late last year and think it is a great step forward. Give it a go ,and I don't work for them I just love what their doing.


This might be a bit late but I am using RavenDB (more here) which works like a charm! It works very well with the RavenDB.Client only and a file based document store for simple scenarios.

Try db4o. Haven't tried it myself but its an embedded OODB. It has a dual GPL/Commercial license.

You can also check STSdb - its an free open-source embedded object database system (NoSQL key/value pair storage engine) designed for mission critical and real-time applications.

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