
I have a class that I need to binary serialize. The class contains one field as below:

private T[,] m_data;

These multi-dimensional arrays can be fairly large (hundreds of thousands of elements) and of any primitive type. When I tried standard .net serialization on an object the file written to disk was large and I think .net is storing a lot of repeated data about element types and possibly not as efficiently as could be done.

I have looked around for custom serializers but have not seen any that deal with multi-dimensional generic arrays. I have also experimented with built-in .net compression on a byte array of the memory stream following serializing with some success, but not as quick / compressed as I had hoped.

My question is, should I try and write a custom serializer to optimally serialize this array for the appropriate type (this seems a little daunting), or should I use standard .net serialization and add compression?

Any advice on the best approach would be most appreciated, or links to resources showing how to tackle serialization of a multi-dimensional generic array - as mentioned existing examples I have found do not support such structures.

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Here's what I came up with. The code below makes an int[1000][10000] and writes it out using the BinaryFormatter to 2 files - one zipped and one not.

The zipped file is 1.19 MB (1,255,339 bytes) Unzipped is 38.2 MB (40,150,034 bytes)

        int width = 1000;
        int height = 10000;
        List<int[]> list = new List<int[]>();
        for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
            list.Add(Enumerable.Range(0, width).ToArray());
        int[][] bazillionInts = list.ToArray();
        using (FileStream fsZ = new FileStream("c:\\temp_zipped.txt", FileMode.Create))
        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("c:\\temp_notZipped.txt", FileMode.Create))
        using (GZipStream gz = new GZipStream(fsZ, CompressionMode.Compress))
            BinaryFormatter f = new BinaryFormatter();
            f.Serialize(gz, bazillionInts);
            f.Serialize(fs, bazillionInts);

I can't think of a better/easy way to do this. The zipped version is pretty damn tight.

I'd go with the BinaryFormatter + GZipStream. Making something custom would not be fun at all.

[edit by MG] I hope you won't be offended by an edit, but the uniform repeated Range(0,width) is skewing things vastly; change to:

        int width = 1000;
        int height = 10000;
        Random rand = new Random(123456);
        int[,] bazillionInts = new int[width, height];
        for(int i = 0 ; i < width;i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                bazillionInts[i, j] = rand.Next(50000);

And try it; you'll see temp_notZipped.txt at 40MB, temp_zipped.txt at 62MB. Not so appealing...


The best code length/output size ratio would be to encode your array using BitConverter, converting all elements into their compact binary format. It's manual, I know, but will save 80-90% space compared to .NET binary serialization.

Can you define "large"? The 1000x10000xint example (another post) comes out at 40Mb; and 1000x10000x4 bytes (=int) is 38MB. As overheads go, that isn't terrible.

What sort of data is T likely to be? Just primatives? I'm thinking that I could probably edit protobuf-net to support rectangular arrays* - but to keep some kind of wire-compatibility we'd probably need a header (one byte) per element - i.e. 9MB of overhead for the 1000x10000 example.

This probably isn't worth it for things like float, double, etc (since they are stored verbatim under "protocol buffers") - but there may be savings for things like int simply due to how it packs ints... (especially if they tend to be on the smaller side [magnitude]). Finally, if T is actually objects like Person etc, then it should be a lot better than binary serialization, since it is very good at packing objects.

It wouldn't be trivial to shoe-horn in rectangular arrays, but let me know if this is something you'd be interested in trying.

*: it doesn't at the moment since the "protocol buffers" spec doesn't support them, but we can hack around that...

The reason there needs to be so much data about the types is that your array of T could be any type, but more specifically, T could be of type SomeBaseClass, and you could still store SomeDerivedClass in that array, and the deserializer would need to know this.

But this redundant data makes it a good candidate for compression, as others have noted.

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