
Using this tutorial:

I have gotten to this section of code in the tutorial successfully:

 private List peers = new ArrayList();

private PeerListListener peerListListener = new PeerListListener() {
    public void onPeersAvailable(WifiP2pDeviceList peerList) {

        // Out with the old, in with the new.

        // If an AdapterView is backed by this data, notify it
        // of the change.  For instance, if you have a ListView of available
        // peers, trigger an update.
        ((WiFiPeerListAdapter) getListAdapter()).notifyDataSetChanged();
        if (peers.size() == 0) {
            Log.d(WiFiDirectActivity.TAG, "No devices found");

I am now unsure of where to put this code that obtains a peer list. Does it go in my broadcast receiver, or the wifi activity itself? And where?

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If you continue with the example, you can see that the object created in the code you posted (peerListListener) is used in the onReceive() method. Seems like they screwed up and renamed it to peerListener there though.

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