
What is the right way to match a C# identifier, specifically a property or field name, using .Net Regex patterns?

Background. I used to use the ASCII centric @"[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*" But now unicode uppercase and lowercase characters are legit, e.g. "AboöДЖem". How should I include these in the pattern?

Thanks, Max

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Is that problem solved by the predefined classes in regex \w will match öД.


Here's a version that takes into account the disallowed leading digits:


And here are some tests in PowerShell:

[regex]$regex = '(?x:
    ^                        # Start of string
        (                    # Namespace
            (?!\d)\w+        #   Top-level namespace
            (?:\.(?!\d)\w+)* #   Subsequent namespaces
        \.                   # End of namespaces period
    )?                       # Namespace is optional
    ((?!\d)\w+)              # Class name
    $                        # End of string
    '1System.Data.Doohickey' # numbers not allowed at start of namespace
    'System.Data.1Doohickey' # numbers not allowed at start of class
    'global::DoohickeyClass' # "global::" not part of actual namespace
) | %{
    ($isMatch, $namespace, $class) = ($false, $null, $null)
    if ($_ -match $regex) {
        ($isMatch, $namespace, $class) = ($true, $Matches[1], $Matches[2])
    new-object PSObject -prop @{
        'IsMatch'   = $isMatch
        'Name'      = $_
        'Namespace' = $namespace
        'Class'     = $class
} | ft IsMatch, Name, Namespace, Class -auto

According to, and ignoring the keyword and unicode-escape-sequence stuff,

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