
I would like to add TabItems to a TabControl dynamically with a standard ContentTemplate comprising of a grid and few other input controls like textbox and button. Can someone pls help me achieve this?

Also, if I try to load data from a WCF service asynchronously to the grid, there will definitely be a time lag. So how do I exactly bind the data to the right grid even if the selected tab is different? (Issue here is how do I find the right grid control to bind)

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Use this derived MyTabControl class:

If thelink not work, here is this class as an answer to another question.


<my:MyTabControl MyItemsSource="{Binding Pages}" MySelectedItem="{Binding CurrentPage, Mode=TwoWay}">
            <ColumnDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <ColumnDefinition Height="Auto" />
          <TextBox Text="{Binding SomeText1, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
          <Button Content="Button" Command="{Binding SomeCommand}" Grid.Column="1"/>
      <TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" />


public class TabItemModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public string Title {get; set;}
    private string someText1;
    public string SomeText1
        get { return someText1; }
            someText1 = value;
    public ICommand SomeCommand {get; set;}

public class MainViewModel
    public MainViewModel
        this.Pages = new ObservableCollection<TabItemModel>();
        this.Pages.Add(new TabItemModel{Title="Title1", SomeText1="Text1"});
        this.Pages.Add(new TabItemModel{Title="Title2", SomeText1="Text2"});

    public ObservableCollection<TabItemModel> Pages {get; set;}
    //selected tab is different
    public TabItemModel CurrentPage {get; set;}

    public void SomeDataFromService()
        //bind the data to the right grid
        var ti = this.Pages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Title == "Title2");
        if(ti != null)
            ti.SomeText1 = "Text from service";

And finally:

public partial class MainPage : UserControl
    public MainPage()
        this.DataContext = new MainViewModel();
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