
I'm parsing an XML file through Java, and am able to parse through Nodes in the XML file that appear as:


by using code such as the snippet shown below:

NodeList givenElmntLst = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("given");
Element givenNmElmnt = (Element) givenElmntLst.item(0);
NodeList fstNm = givenNmElmnt.getChildNodes();
String given = ((Node) fstNm.item(0)).getNodeValue();

but I am unable to read attributes that are formatted as such:

<birthTime value="19230101"/>

How should I be reading values such as the one above differently? Thanks in advance.

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i'm assuming your using the org.w3c.dom package...

try something like this:

NodeList birthTimeLst = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("birthTime");
Element birthTime = (Element) birthTimeLst.item(0);
String value = birthTime.getAttribute("value");
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