
When developing a print stylesheet for a web page, what fonts are recommended for use?

I was using Times New Roman, but it looks kinda bland.

What have you used before? IIRC they say serif fonts are easier to read on paper.

Was it helpful?


It depends on the purpose, length, and location of the text.

Serif fonts are definately easier to read in large blocks, however san-serif fonts are easier to read as headlines.

I am a fan of plain, standard fonts--nothing fancy. So, for me, I like Times New Roman for large areas of text and Arial for headlines.


I myself am a big fan of Gentium for printing.

I use it for things other than printing too, its just so sexy.

Gentium Sample

The only really obvious problem is, using a print style-sheet, you can't make any assumptions yet about what fonts the user has installed.

Times New Roman is becoming more ubiquitous, but its not available by default on many non-windows platforms.

There is progress being made in the realm of user-specified and download-on-the-fly font support, but its not very reliable yet.

Freedom is a major consideration for me when selecting a font to use for any purpose. I have adopted the Deja Vu family of fonts for my general purpose use, Deja Vu Sans in particular.

@media print {
    body {
        font: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
        background: #fff;
        font-size: 11pt;

Always good to use Serif fonts.

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