
How do i configure dynamic federation metadata generator http handler that comes with StarterSTS to work along with ASP.NET MVC 4, right now i got this configuration inside web.config on IIS 7 but browser returns 404 not found

<!-- handler to dynamically generate WS-Federation metadata -->
<location path="FederationMetadata/2007-06">
            <add name="MetadataGenerator" path="FederationMetadata.xml" verb="GET" type="Thinktecture.IdentityServer.WSFedMetadataGenerator,Thinktecture" />
            <add path="FederationMetadata.xml" verb="GET" type="Thinktecture.IdentityServer.WSFedMetadataGenerator,Thinktecture" />

404 Not found


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Ok here is the truth it does not work. So here is what i did,

  • created a new mvc controller named it FederationMetadata

  • Copied the code to generate the federation metadata in the Index action method

  • Always point to https://<pc:name>/stsvirtualdirectoryname/FederationMetadata/ to get the federation metadata xml document


        if (STS.Configuration.Endpoints.WSFedMex)
            var serializer = new MetadataSerializer();
            var sb = new StringBuilder(512);
            serializer.WriteMetadata(XmlWriter.Create(new StringWriter(sb),new XmlWriterSettings { OmitXmlDeclaration = true }), _entity);
            return new ContentResult(){Content = sb.ToString(),ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8,ContentType = "text/xml"};
            throw new HttpException(404, "Not found");
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