
I'm trying to access the menu of an NSRunningApplication object in OS X. it has an ownsMenuBar @property, however no instance of an actual menu bar (which makes sense). I'm curious, instead, how to get access to that menu-bar that NSRunningApplication knows of when one exists. KVO perhaps? Is there any (even small) relationship between an NSRunningApplication and an NSApplication?



djai djan, you've been super helpful and here is the code i've managed to make work from your suggestions!

tell application "System Events"
    return menu bar of first process where frontmost is true
end tell
Was it helpful?


no relationship between NSRunningApplication and NSApplication

BUT you can get it via applescript (which you can bridge to cocoa) requires UI scripting

the script is e.g.:

tell application "System Events"
    set m to menu bar 1 of application process "Notification Center"
end tell


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