
I'm developing website for mobile phone and I need software that will simulate experience on mobile phone. Something like SDK for Android.
I've read many articles on this subject, however, most of them are using separate SDKs for each mobile manufacturer (iPhone SDK, Android SDK and so on).
What I need is a software that will simulate all of these devices.
Anyone knows software like this?
Thanks in advance.

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I don't believe that such a thing exists.

Bare in mind that you're talking about multiple operating systems (iOS, Android, Symbian, Windows Phone 7, etc) with different languages running browsers from multiple vendors (the native browsers, plus Opera Mini & Opera Mobile, SkyFire, etc) with different combinations of phone models and capabilities. A comprehensive testing application would be an exceedingly complicated beast indeed.


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As you mentioned, there is Google's Android emulator and Motorola's emulator (MOTODEV) but while they don't need Eclipse to run, I believe that they do need the SDK.

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