
in a .swf object, i rotate pictures in one direction : clockwise (+90°), with the eventRotateHit function. It works!

I need to create a counterclockwise (-90°) function : eventRotateHit2. This function doesn't work : the picture disappear. I think it's because the rotation center is false, but i'm not sure. And i don't know how to change it.

Can you help me please?


My code :

package Classes.image

        import fl.controls.Button;
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import Classes.utils.*;
        import Classes.*;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.text.StyleSheet;
        import flash.utils.ByteArray;
        import flash.display.BitmapData;
        import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;

        public class imgBox extends MovieClip
                public var _img                                 : imgHelper;
                private var _MAX_WIDTH                          : Number;
                private var _MAX_HEIGHT                         : Number;
                private var boxFrame:MovieClip;
                private var statusMsg:TextField;

                public var byteData:ByteArray;

                public function imgBox(w:Number,h:Number,_bitmap:Bitmap) 
                        _MAX_WIDTH = w;
                        _MAX_HEIGHT = h;

                        var borderColor:uint  = 0x666666;
                        var borderSize:uint   = 1;
                        var vMenu:verticalMenu;

                        _img = new imgHelper(_bitmap);
                        _img.addEventListener("invalidate", eventImageInvalidated);
                        if ( _bitmap.width > _MAX_WIDTH || _bitmap.height > _MAX_HEIGHT ) 
                                 _img.resizePic(_MAX_WIDTH, _MAX_HEIGHT, false);

                        boxFrame = new MovieClip;
              , borderColor);
              , 0, _img.width+4,_img.height+4);

                        boxFrame.x = 60 + _img.theImage.x;
                        boxFrame.y = _img.theImage.y;
                        _img.x = 62;
                        _img.y = 2;

                        //vMenu = new verticalMenu();
                        //var myMenu:Array = new Array( { label:'Rotate', _function:eventRotateHit } );// ,
                                                                        //      { label:'Upload', _function:eventUploadHit } );

                        var  button:Button = new Button();
                        button.label = Local.getInstance().getString("rotate");
                        button.width = 50;
                        button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, eventRotateHit);

                        var  buttonbis:Button = new Button();
                        buttonbis.label = Local.getInstance().getString("rotate");
                        buttonbis.width = 50;
                        buttonbis.y = 50;
                        buttonbis.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, eventRotateHit2);


                private function eventImageInvalidated(e:Event) {

                        dispatchEvent(new Event("invalidate", true, true));// invalidate for re-encoding the image.


                private function eventUploadHit(e:*) {
                        trace('Upload Hit');
                        this.dispatchEvent(new Event("uploadImage"));

                public function showStatus(msg:String) {
                      , 0.5, { height: _img.height + 24 } );
                                var vMenu:verticalMenu = new verticalMenu();;
                                if (statusMsg){
                                        statusMsg = null;
                                statusMsg = new TextField();
                                statusMsg.htmlText = msg;
                                statusMsg.styleSheet = vMenu._textStyleSheet;
                                statusMsg.width = _img.width;
                                statusMsg.y = _img.height + 2;
                                statusMsg.x = boxFrame.x + 10;


                public function hideStatus(msg:String = "") {
                                if (statusMsg){
                                        statusMsg = null;
                      , 0.5, { height: _img.height + 4 } );

                private function eventRotateHit(e:*) {
                        trace('rotate Image');
                        if (statusMsg){
                                        statusMsg = null;

                        _img.rotate(Math.PI / 2);
                        _img.resizePic(_MAX_WIDTH, _MAX_HEIGHT, false);
                        boxFrame.width = _img.width + 4;
                        boxFrame.height = _img.height + 4;

                        boxFrame.x = 60 + _img.theImage.x;
                        boxFrame.y = _img.theImage.y;


                private function eventRotateHit2(e:*) {
                        trace('rotate Image');
                        if (statusMsg){
                                        statusMsg = null;

                        _img.resizePic(_MAX_WIDTH, _MAX_HEIGHT, false);
                        boxFrame.width = _img.width + 4;
                        boxFrame.height = _img.height + 4;

                        boxFrame.x = 60 + _img.theImage.x;
                        boxFrame.y = _img.theImage.y;           


                public function dispose() {


                public function prepare(w:Number, h:Number, q:Number) {
                        var btData:BitmapData = _img.resizeBitmapData(w, h);
                        byteData = new JPGEncoder(q).encode(btData);




here the rotate function:

package Classes.utils
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.system.LoaderContext;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import Classes.*;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;

    public class imgHelper extends MovieClip
        public var tt:TextField;
        public var theImage:Bitmap;
        private var myMask:MovieClip;

        private var _boxDimW:Number;
        private var _boxDimH:Number;

        public function imgHelper(img:Bitmap=null) 
            theImage = img;
            if (theImage)
             tt = new TextField;
            tt.text = '0%';
        /*  addChild(tt);*/


        public override function get width():Number {
            return theImage.width;

        public override function get height():Number {
            return theImage.height;
        public  function get _scaleX():Number {
            return theImage.scaleX;
        public  function set _scaleX(sx) {
             theImage.scaleX = sx;

        public  function get _scaleY():Number {
            return theImage.scaleY;
        public  function set _scaleY(sy:Number) {
             theImage.scaleY = sy;

        public function load(url:String)
            //trace('loading : ' + url);
            var loader:Loader = new Loader();
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, picLoaded);
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errLoading);
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progress);
            var lContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(true);

            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
            try {

            } catch (error:Error) {
                trace("Unable to load requested document.");

        private function progress(e:ProgressEvent)
            tt.text = Math.round(e.bytesLoaded /e.bytesTotal *100) + '%';

        private function errLoading(e:*)
            tt.visible = false;
            dispatchEvent(new Event("imgLoaded",true,true));

        private function picLoaded(e:*)
            var picLoader:Loader = Loader(;
            theImage = Bitmap(picLoader.content);

            tt.visible = false;
            dispatchEvent(new Event("imgLoaded",true,true));

        public function resizePic(rW:Number,rH:Number,crop:Boolean=false)
            var img = theImage;
            _boxDimW = rW;
            _boxDimH = rH;

            if (img.width > img.height)
                img.width = rW;
                img.height = img.height * img.scaleX;
                img.height = rH;
                img.width = img.width * img.scaleY;

            if (crop)
                if (img.width < img.height)
                    var oldScaleX = img.scaleX;
                    img.width = rW;
                    img.scaleY += img.scaleX-oldScaleX;

                    var oldScaleY = img.scaleY;
                    img.height = rH;
                    img.scaleX += img.scaleY-oldScaleY;


                maskIt(rW, rH);

            else {
                if (img.height < img.width) {
                else {



        public function resizeBitmapData (rW:Number, rH:Number):BitmapData {
            var img:Bitmap = new Bitmap(theImage.bitmapData);
            trace('resize bitmap : ' + img.height + '-' + img.width);
            trace('resize bitmap : ' + rH + '-' + rW);
            if (img.width > img.height) {
                    if (img.height>rH)
                        rH = img.height * (rW / img.width);
                    else{ // do not resize
                        rH = img.height;
                        rW = img.width;
            else {
                if (img.width>rW)
                    rW = img.width * (rH / img.height);
                else{ // do not resize
                        rH = img.height;
                        rW = img.width;


            var bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(rW, rH);
            var scaleMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix( rW / img.width , 0, 0, rH / img.height   , 0,0);
            var colorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
            bmpData.draw(theImage, scaleMatrix , colorTransform, null, null, true);
            return (bmpData);

        public function rotate(dir:Number) {

            var workingImage:Bitmap = new Bitmap(theImage.bitmapData.clone());
            var bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(workingImage.height, workingImage.width);
            var transMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(Math.cos(dir),Math.sin(dir),-Math.sin(dir),Math.cos(dir), workingImage.height,0);
            var colorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
            bmpData.draw(workingImage, transMatrix, colorTransform, null, null, true);
  , 0.5, { autoAlpha:0 } );
            theImage = new Bitmap(bmpData);
            //trace(theImage.y + '--' + theImage.x+'--'+theImage.height+'--'+theImage.width);
            if (theImage.height < theImage.width) {
                    theImage.y += (_boxDimH - theImage.height) / 2
                else {
                    theImage.x +=(_boxDimW-theImage.width)/2


            theImage.alpha = 0;
  , 1, { autoAlpha:1 } );
            trace('sending event !');
            dispatchEvent(new Event("invalidate", true, true));// invalidate for re-encoding the image.

        public function maskIt(w:Number, h:Number)
            if (myMask) {
                myMask = null;
            myMask = new MovieClip();
  , 0, w,h);
            this.mask = myMask;

        public function dispose() {




thanks for all!!!

Was it helpful?


Your problem is in the rotation matrix:

Your Bitmap rotates around its origin (0,0), so at 90 degrees, it is located outside of the viewable area to the left. For this reason, you have translated it along the x axis by the original image's height - and it works.

Now when you rotate the image to 270 degrees (or -90 degrees, just the same), it is located ABOVE the viewable area . So you will now have to translate it along the y axis by the original image's width:

var dir:Number = Math.PI*1.5; // the same as 3*Math.PI/2
var a:Number = Math.cos(dir);
var b:Number = Math.sin(dir);
var c:Number = -b;
var d:Number = a;
var transMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(a,b,c,d,0,workingImage.width);


I think you are in need of short rotation, this is a formula to find the shortest way to the new direction. Problem with rotation is if you rotate (using normal rotation property) from 0 to -90 with a speed of 1, it will need (360-90=) 270 steps. With short rotation you will only need 90 steps (since most circles are 360 degrees).

I hope you this piece of code will help exploring short rotation:

    var startValue:int = targetMC.rotation = 0;
    var endValue:int = -90;
    var position:Number = 0; // should always be ratio betweeen 0-1

    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);

    function update(e:Event=null):void
        if (position < 1)
         position += 0.05;
         targetMC.rotation = startValue + (((endValue - startValue + 540) % 360) - 180) * position;
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