
I'm using Theos to develop a jailbreak tweak, and I need to get the Bundle ID of the current open application. I'm modifying SBBannerView.h which is a SpringBoard header. I tried Using:

[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]

and also:

[NSBundle mainBundle].bundleIdentifier

which should both give the bundle identifier of the app, but because I'm modifying the iOS Banner Notifications, I think it's always returning because thats the object calling the notifications

how would I get the application bundle ID of the current app that I have displaying on screen?

for Instance, if I have the open, what would I hook or call to get the bundle ID

I'm sorry if I didn't explain too well

Thank you for everyones help

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I figured it out, for anyone else who is trying to accomplish this:

SBApplication *frontApp = [(SpringBoard*)[UIApplication sharedApplication] _accessibilityFrontMostApplication];
NSString *currentAppDisplayID = [frontApp displayIdentifier];
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